Piers SpencerRegistered Osteopath


Ethical, Safe, Effective and Rewarding Osteopathic Healthcare


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"Top London Osteopath"
(April 2001 - The Evening Standard)

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for musculo-skeletal
injuries such as:

back pain

sports injuries

tennis elbow

ankle sprains



      muscular strain


      running injuries

Piers and Sabine are away during the week 16th-20th September.

Darcy an Osteopath with over 40 years experience from Basingstoke is seeing our patients at our clinic this week.








Our Clinic

We are having some much needed work done to our roof and the front wall so there is scaffolding wrapped around the building. Our clinic is open but we have temporarily moved next door. Facing the clinic we are now located in the first door to the left of the scaffolding. Because the building is grade 2 listed the landlord only gained consent from Winchester Council in July 10 months after applying. We have been told they are due to begin work in September and they are hoping we will be back in time for Christmas.... We live in hope.


Home. Library Image: Reaching Hands

Piers Spencer - Hampshire Osteopath

Piers moved to Bishops Waltham, an historic small town a few miles from Southampton on the edge of the South Downs in Hampshire in November 2015 and has taken over at Bishop's Waltham Osteopathic Clinic to provide a comprehensive treatment regime for the residents of Bishops Waltham, Swanmore, Waltham Chase, Durley, Curdridge, Botley, Southampton and numerous others in this part of Hampshire.

At Bishop's Waltham Osteopathic Clinic we strive to provide the highest standards in osteopathic healthcare for an accurate diagnosis, treatment, advice and exercises tailored to suit you and the condition you come to see us for.

Previously Piers was based at Belgrave Medical Centre in Belgravia for twenty one years and on taking over at a clinic in Hampshire he ran a clinic at Victoria Medical Centre in Pimlico every Wednesday for a further two years. He has been involved in Osteopathic education for 20 years as a Clinical Supervisor, Lecturer, Examiner and for 15 years a Trustee at The London School of Osteopathy. He qualified from the 5 year course there in 1993.

Piers specialises in rehabilitation of long term back and neck injuries and treatment of sports injuries through hands on treatment, exercise, gait analysis and postural advice.

"I see a lot of pregnant women with various aches into their backs and have a special bolster that allows them to lie on their front without any pressure on their "bumps".

I also perform the Epley manoeuvre on people with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) which helps dislodge the crystals in the inner ear that cause this condition".

Piers is a keen runner and cyclist who also worked at a David Lloyd's Club in South West London for 16 years treating people with a variety of sports injuries such as shoulder pain or frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, knee aches, ankle sprains, achilles tendinopathy and muscular strains. He spends some of his leisure time at his allotment tending a wide variety of vegetables and fruit. This has given him insight into aches and pains many gardeners suffer from and so is keen to advise others on how best to protect their backs.

Home. Clinic BW


Piers Spencer is now based full time at Bishop's Waltham Osteopathic Clinic on Monday to Friday which is close to Winchester, Southampton and Portsmouth.

The historic town of Bishop's Waltham was burnt to the ground in 1001 AD by the Danes but these days it is a thriving and popular destination on the edge of the South Downs.

Home. Horizontal shoulders

Osteopathic treatment

The Osteopathy I practice is gentle but effective manipulation of the spine and connective tissues to help improve flexibility and stimulate the body to heal itself. To successfully resolve long term musculo-skeletal pain advice is given to help improve posture and gait. I show appropriate core stability exercises to improve stability where in the body it is needed. Balance is an often neglected skill and the cause of many injuries so via a series of exercises I will show you how to improve your balance skills so that wobbly paving stones will no longer be a hazard to fear!

"Why does my back/neck hurt?"

Our bodies did not evolve for sitting, but most of us spend a considerable time doing just that, whether in front of a computer, whilst driving, or relaxing in a sofa. Prolonged static slouching creates a weakness in the muscles that support the spine. These (postural) muscles lengthen and atrophy whilst the joints are forced into (outer-range) positions that over time accelerate degenerative changes. Eventually this may cause aches and pains in the joints. Joint pain is often felt as an ache, or bruised sensation, in the muscles that act on that joint. Discomfort in the joints may also set up protective muscle guarding that can contribute to symptoms of pain and stiffness. Piers focuses on finding the faulty movement and posture patterns that allow an injury to occur, then corrects it with treatment, advice on stabilising exercises and posture to aid lasting recovery from injuries.

Monday to Friday at Bishop's Waltham Osteopathic Clinic, White Hart Stables, Bank Street, Bishops Waltham, Hampshire, SO32 1AN.
To make an appointment telephone: 01489 891 880 or book online here.


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